2-Player Puzzle Game

Goal: Two players must solve a puzzle together to collect the items needed to open a door.


  • Only one player (controller) is able to interact with the item to be able to open the secret room, which contains the items needed to open the main door. 
    • The player can find tell when they are near it with force feedback. 
    • When the secret room opens, the screen shakes as the wall moves down.
  • Only one player (keyboard) is able to pickup the items needed to open the main door, as well as open it.

Solution: One of the players must find the item to open the secret room. And then, the right player must interact with the collectable items and open the main door. Once the door is open, both players can enter through it and successfully solve the puzzle.

- Video of Gameplay can be viewed by downloading it here
- Source Code: https://github.com/araetzel/Game-Design-3/tree/main
- Assets Pack Used: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/en-US/product/dreamscape-nature-tower-s...


2-Player Puzzle Game.mp4 70 MB
96 days ago

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